Serendipity Blackmagic / Veripress 9.1. päivityksiä
Serendipity Software on julkaissut pari versiopäivitystä Blackmagic / Megarip / Veripress 9.1. ohjelmille
Update 7
Client now supports calibration for 8 attached monitors, up from the previous limit of 4.
Updated zstd library to version 1.5.7
Screening dump debug preview displayed incorrect colours when using an Ncolour Paper Profile that had reordered inks.
Softproof application would crash when loading a job that had no rendered preview.
Update 8
Refresh Media Library option added to the Output Maintenance panel for Canon printers, allowing new or custom paper types added to printers to be downloaded on demand.
Added a Launch menu to the Server application which allows quick launching of the Serendipity and C5 Clients.
Studio Asset file names were changed to dates when assets were added to, or removed from folders.
Fixed incorrect spelling in various error messages.