Dynastrip 5.1 tukee pitkiä tiedostonimiä

Pitkien tiedostonimien tuki MAC ja PC yms. parannuksia
Maksullinen päivitys 5.0 tai aiemmista versioista
Lisätietoja Barry Brownkta fi
Dynagram Is Now Shipping DynaStrip 5.1.
Quebec, Canada, February 5th, 2008 - Dynagram, the industry leader in imposition solutions, has officially started shipping the latest version of DynaStrip, its acclaimed suite of sophisticated imposition software. DynaStrip 5.1 now supports long file names on Macintosh and Windows, in addition to correcting some minor issues.
Long file name support on Macintosh and Windows
The number of characters that can be used for job names has been increased to 127 characters, in addition to other file naming variables. Long file names are now available for Job files, Layout files, Imported Marks files and Output files.
Other changes and fixes have been added to version 5.1:
Marks Sets were translated from English to French, Spanish and German.
The cutting parameters coordinates are now expressed in relation to the sheet when using a plate in JDF output.
It is now possible to open a job by double clicking on it, when there is a space in the file path.
In PJTF output mode, a problem with the flat grouping when working with different number
of webs in the same job has been resolved.
IMPORTANT NOTE:In order to upgrade your DynaStrip to version 5.1, please send your C2V file to activation@dynagram.com according to the activation procedure found in the Getting Started document included with your product.
Users who have version 5.0 and lower must purchase an upgrade.